As Parish Collaborators, Mayslake Ministries offers gifted speakers to serve the needs of your parish in the following areas:
- Eucharist and Liturgy
- Sacramental prep
- Family Ministry
- Liturgical Ministry
- Women’s Spirituality
- Mom’s Ministry
- Men’s Spirituality
- Prayer
- Life Transitions
- Young Adult Ministry
- Parish Missions
- Staff Days of Reflection
- Devotions
- Lectio Divina
Please contact us to inquire about a speaker for your parish needs. We look forward to collaborating with you to engage your parishioners and staff in evangelizing the Catholic Faith in the modern world.

Dr. Mary Amore
Conference Presenter
Dr. Mary Amore, Executive Director holds a Doctor of Ministry Degree in Liturgy and Master of Arts in Pastoral Studies from Catholic Theological Union. Dr. Amore is the author of three books: Primary Symbols of Worship and the Call to Participation, Every day with Mary, and Every Day with Joseph, as well as the creator of two DVD Series: Eucharist: Pathway of Transformation, Healing and Discipleship, and From Mary’s Heart to Yours, published by Pauline Media.
A Cardinal Bernardin Scholar and distinguished member of the North American Academy of Liturgy, Mary has been a presenter at the LA Congress, University of Dallas Ministry Conference, Diocese of New Hampshire Ministry Conference, as well as conducting parish missions, retreats, and adult faith formation programs.
Dr. Amore is also the creator and host of two cable television shows, Soul Snackin with Dr. Mary Amore and A Willing Spirit, and has hosted a radio show on Radio Maria. Dr. Amore serves as the full time Executive Director of Mayslake Ministries.
Dr. Mary Amore is a proud member of the Catholic speakers' bureau, CMG Booking.
Topics include:
- Eucharist
- Sacraments
- Pope Francis
- From Mary’s Heart to Yours
- St. Joseph
- Intimacy with God
- Women’s Spirituality
- Developing a Healthy Prayer Life

Colleen Case, CPSD
Catholic Spiritual Director
Colleen Case, CPSD is Associate Director of the Office of Youth Formation directing Teen Formation, and Confirmation with the Diocese of Joliet. Colleen is a spiritual director with Mayslake Ministries, an instructor in their Sacred Presence Program and the Director of the Mayslake Sacred Presence Program for the formation of Spiritual Directors. Her passion for accompanying youth and young adults along with her zeal for sharing the love of Jesus and his people, has led her to numerous speaking and media projects. Her faith, life and ministry are deeply rooted in helping others encounter Jesus in their day-to-day life bringing awareness of God's presence to all of life's events.
Specialties: Lay Ministry, Parenting and Family Life, Young Adult Spirituality

Joyce S. Donahue
Conference Presenter
Joyce S. Donahue holds a Masters in Pastoral Studies in Liturgy from Loyola Institute of Ministry, a Master’s Degree in English from University of Illinois, and post graduate studies at University of Illinois. Joyce has served as the Associate Director for Child, Family Formation, and Office of Youth Formation at the Diocese of Joliet.
She is the author of Gentle Jesus, a First Eucharist sacramental preparation; From Mass to Mission: Understanding the Mass and Its Significance for Our Christian Life for Children, as well as numerous articles in magazines.
Joyce is also a facilitator of online courses at University of Dayton and has extensive and practical expertise in faith formation of children, parents and catechists, liturgical and family catechesis, and is knowledgeable in catechesis with Hispanics and for persons with special needs.
Topics include:
- Eucharist
- Catechumenate
- Discipleship and Liturgy
- Evangelization
- Pastoral Leadership
- Parish Administration
- Theology

Bob Frazee, CPSD
Catholic Spiritual Director
Bob Frazee, CPSD holds a Masters in Pastoral Studies from Catholic Theological Union - Chicago. His passion is Adult Spiritual Formation. He has served as an RCIA catechist, an instructor in the Joliet Diocesan Lay Formation program, and as an adjunct to the Emmaus Program at CTU. Bob is an affiliate spiritual director of Mayslake Ministries, and the Director of the Mayslake Sacred Presence Program for the formation of Spiritual Directors. He also serves as a commissioned presenter for Contemplative Outreach where he promotes and teaches Centering Prayer.
Specialties: Prayer, Contemplation, Centering Prayer

Michael Lewandowski
Conference Presenter
Michael Lewandowski holds a Master’s Degree in Theology from Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio, and currently the Pastoral Associate for St. Joan of Arc Parish in Lisle, IL. Michael has also served in the Diocese of Joliet for over a decade in a variety of capacities, including RCIA programs, Confirmation programs, Baptismal prep, and Bible Studies.
Michael’s passion is Scripture, specifically how the Old Testament foreshadows the New Testament, and his presentations include: How to interpret Scripture, Theology of the Body, The Sacraments in Scripture, and the lives of the Saints.
Michael is married, and he and his wife has six children, including two sets of twins.
- “A Woman Clothed with the Sun”: The Virgin Mary in the Pages of Scripture
- “Bread from Heaven”: The Eucharist Foreshadowed in the Old Testament
- “Waters of Life”: How the Sacrament of Baptism was Foreshadowed in Ancient Israel.
- “The New Exodus”: How the Gospels Reveal Jesus as the New Moses.
- “As Numerous as the Stars”: Abraham and the Coming of Christ.
- “A Man after God’s own Heart”: The Promises of David and their Fulfillment in Christ
- St. Theresa of Avila: From Indecision to the Inner Castle
- The Call of Mary: Fatima and the Power of the Rosary

Dr. Eileen Maggiore
Conference Presenter
Dr. Eileen Maggiore holds a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Catholic Theological Union, and two Masters degrees in Theology. Dr. Maggiore has served the church for over seventeen years as a catechist, youth minister, Director of Religious Education and Pastoral Associate. A former teacher of theology at St. Joseph’s High School and Benedictine University, Eileen is married and a grandmother of twelve.
Topics include:
- Sacraments
- Prayer
- Scripture
- Evangelization
- Spirituality
- Youth Ministry